
How to prepare for Your First At-Home Workout

First off, I want you to know how proud I am of you for taking the first step in your fitness journey! Don’t underestimate how big of a deal this moment is! The best way to set yourself up for success is to prepare! That’s exactly what we’re going to cover today so you know exactly what you need to do to hit the ground running and stay there long term. 

Go ahead and put your first at-home workout on the calendar and be prepared to show up for yourself! Now for the fun stuff! 

At-Home Workout Attire

1. Shoes – Starting from the ground up, we want to make sure you’re wearing the right shoes. The right shoes are going to protect your feet, but they’ll also provide support in the right areas. Remember, shoes are like tires; you only get so many miles out of them. If your shoes are worn out, they can cause back and foot pain.

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is, “which shoes do I need?”. Everyone’s feet are different, and it’s important to find the right fit for you as well as the activities you typically perform in them. Trainers are typically the best choice for your at-home workouts. If you plan to add in running, you may want a second pair of running shoes dedicated to that. It may be worth trying Fleet Feet or another shoe specialist to get an expert opinion on which shoe is right for you. 

2. Leggings – The right pair of leggings can make all of the difference in your workouts. You don’t want to be uncomfortable for your first at-home workout. That’s why you’ll find me in P’tula on any given day! I love that their leggings are high waisted and keep everything tucked in. Sometimes it’s something as simple as feeling good in your outfit that can get you motivated. 

3. Shirts – Typically you’ll find me in a tank top or t-shirt for my at-home workouts. I’ve got some great options to get you started in my apparel shop, and you can use the discount code “GETTINGSTARTED” to save 10%. 

At-Home Workout Space

The beauty of at-home workouts is that they can be done anywhere! I have set up a dedicated area in my house to be my gym, but you can use just about any space. You just need enough room to stretch yourself out without hitting something. 

Whether the spot that you choose has carpet or hardwood floors, I always recommend investing in a good workout mat. On hardwoods, it will make the surface softer and help protect your knees. While on the carpet, it will protect you from rug burn and add additional support for your knees. I am currently using the Jels workout mat, and I love the thickness of the mat and non slip material used. 

At-Home Gym Equipment 

Your at-home workout equipment doesn’t have to be complicated! You can accomplish all of your fitness goals with solely 3 pieces of equipment: a stability ball, resistance bands, and 1-2 sets of dumbbells. You can add more equipment to your gym over time, but I’ve kept things simple to keep costs down. If you’re looking for a free workout program to get you started, be sure to sign up for my free fitness challenge

The stability ball is going to act as a bench for a lot of exercises. It’s going to help you keep proper form. It will also require you to activate additional muscles for stability. 

For dumbbells, I recommend purchasing 2 sets, one lighter and one heavier. I typically recommend starting out with 3’s and 5’s. If you’re more athletic, I would also recommend purchasing a set of 8 pound dumbbells as well. As you progress you can add heavier weights.  

For the bands, I recommend loop resistance bands. I personally use the Limm resistance bands. These bands are versatile and are great for on the go workouts!

You can find all of this equipment in my amazon storefront!

Supplements For Your At Home Workouts

Now that we’ve got you covered on what you need before you show up, let’s talk about the supplements you may need to fuel you through your first at home workout. Remember, supplements are designed to be just that, a supplement to a well balanced diet. 

I personally use Bad Athletics supplements and you can always use the code BADFAITH to save 10% on your order.

    1. Protein – The most important supplement you’ll need (if any). As women, we rarely get enough in our diets and adding a supplement will help us reach our protein goal for the day. Getting enough protein ensures that you’ll build lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn, so it’s important to make this a priority regardless of your fitness goal. The best time to consume this is during post workout snack, within an hour of completing your workout. However, this can be consumed at any time throughout the day.
    2. BCAAs – Which stands for branch chain amino acids. This supplement assists with recovery and soreness, allowing you to get back to your workouts faster. If you choose to add this supplement into your regimen, you’ll drink it during your at-home workout.
    3. Preworkout – For those of you lacking energy, this is the supplement for you. This will help wake you up and give you the energy you need to get through your workout at peak performance. This will be consumed 30 minutes before you start your at-home workout.

The Perfect At-Home Workout Playlist

This last step is often overlooked, but it can really get you hyped for your first at-home workout. Take some time to create the perfect workout music playlist. You want something that’s going to keep you energized and pumped throughout your workout. 


We covered a lot of information to ensure you’re prepared for your first at-home workout, but I promise you, getting yourself prepared beforehand is what will keep you coming back for more. 

So to prepare for your first at-home workout, make sure you schedule your workout, get the right outfit, grab your equipment, decide if you need supplements, and turn the volume up on the perfect playlist. Now go rock it! 

Also, be sure to sign up for my free challenge that will provide you with everything you need to get started, including an at-home workout plan, meal plan, and free resources, just like this article!