
Best Tips for Fitness Success During the Holidays

I can’t help but love this time of year! There are so many holidays and events going on that it allows me to spend extra time with my extended family and friends. While I enjoy how busy this season is, it’s easy to let our fitness goals get sidetracked along the way. But don’t worry! I’ve gathered my best tips and tricks to help you make the most out of the holidays while still staying healthy!

So let’s get started.

Reevaluate Your Goals

One of the best ways to stay on track is to be realistic with your expectations and goals for the remainder of the year. While your typical focus for the year may be to lose weight or tone up, planning to maintain over the holidays is far less stressful and attainable.

Have A Game Plan

It’s time to start planning ahead and mapping out your weeks. If you plan to travel, it’s important to plan your workouts accordingly. While I don’t recommend taking a 10 lb dumbbell on a trip, you can still pack resistance bands or plan at home workouts that utilize body weight instead. Now is a great time to be a part of a program that schedules your workouts for you, taking one thing off your to-do list.

People that schedule their workouts on their calendar have been proven to have a higher success rate for sticking to it. Be flexible when things come up, but make sure they remain a priority.

Rise and Grind

Starting your day off with a workout not only ensures you get it done, but it also gives you a boost of energy to rock out your day. If you have an event later in the day, odds are you won’t be squeezing in a workout once you get home. Go ahead and get in a quick and effective workout so you can enjoy your evening.

Make Movement a Tradition

While you have the whole family together, why not get in some movement. Whether you’re out playing flag football or going for a family walk, let it be a tradition that you carry on for years to come with your loved ones.

Stay Hydrated

While the cocktails might be readily available, now’s not the time to forget to stay hydrated with water. Getting enough water can ensure you don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Start your day off with 8 ounces of water as soon as your feet hit the floor to get things rolling.

Halloween Treats

Save yourself by not buying candy early! If it’s in the house, you’re more likely to reach for “just one piece”, and before you know it, you have to buy more candy before Halloween hits. It’s also helpful to buy candy that you know you don’t care for. That way, you’re less likely to snack on it.

Once the holiday has passed, allow yourself a piece or two here and there. If you try to completely restrict yourself, odds are you’re going to cave and binge way more than if you would have just given in to the small craving.

Healthier Twist

Planning to bring a dish? Try making healthier alternatives to classic favorites. I just released my free holiday cookbook, and you can snag that here! But don’t worry – your guests won’t even know they’re healthier! Shhh … it will be our little secret.

Portion Control

I am a huge fan of trying everything, but that doesn’t mean I need a full serving of everything. When it comes to making your plate, you may find it helpful to use a smaller plate. That way, you’ll take smaller portions. It’s also important to make sure you stop eating when you’re full, not when the plate is gone. Try eating slower and enjoying the company around you. This will allow your body time to acknowledge that it’s full.

Don’t Skip Meals

I know that most people think that skipping a meal allows room for more food at the holiday event. However, when your body feels deprived, you’re more likely to binge the next time you get food. Feeling bloated can ruin your whole day, so don’t set yourself up for failure by skipping meals.

If you plan to drink, it’s especially important to not skip out on a meal. You don’t want to be that cousin at the Christmas dinner!

Enjoy The Day, Not The Week

With the amount of holidays and events that come with this season, it’s important to not just scratch off the week. If you have that mindset, you’re sure to gain that holiday 10! A fitness lifestyle only works when you have balance. Allow yourself opportunities to splurge here and there, but don’t make it a habit that you get sucked into. Remember your goals and do the little things it takes to get you there.

Finishing Strong

Just because you’re on a fitness journey doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice having a life and enjoying time with your family and friends. Creating balance and realistic goals will not only keep you sane over the holidays, but it will also keep you on track and set you up for success in the New Year.

If you haven’t already, be sure to snag my Free Fitness Holiday Start Pack below! You’ll receive my spin on your favorite holiday dishes plus a free workout plan!